The top 3

Here are three easy steps to reduce your EMF exposure.

1) If it communicates using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or connects to anything wirelessly, avoid it. If you have to use it, use it sparingly

2) Install filters to address the dirty electricity in your home or office created by electronics

3) Get rid items that create a lot of electromagnetic pollution like treadmills, CFL’s, dimmer switches, and DECT phones to name a few

Wireless communication is everywhere and saturates us in a sea of EMF’s.  There are many simple things that you can do to reduce your exposure to wireless communication.

  • One is stay away from ‘smart’ tech. Anything that uses a form of wireless commination should be avoided.   Always opt for the wired version.
  • Instead of Wi-Fi use an Ethernet cable. From a health perspective it is safer and it is faster to boot.
  • Opt out of smart meters in your area. These could be located on your gas lines, utility box, and also public water systems.   If you are not able to opt-out, then shield it.
  • Turn off your cell phones when you are not using them. If you are able to get along without them then all the better.  Almost everything you can do on a phone you can do on a computer with a wired connection.
  • Make sure that all your electronic devices (computers, printers, blue ray, game consoles) are not communicating wirelessly
  • Avoid items like your tablets that only use wireless. If you use them only use them in airplane mode.
  • Replacing certain DECT phones, which are the cordless phones that people with a landline use.  There are some that constantly send out a signal even when not in use.  If you want a wireless phone, only buy one that connects when in use or buy a phone with a cord.

You will need to also address the dirty electricity that is running through your home.  To do this you will need filters and also a meter to measure your levels.  The meter, like a scale will just tell you what is there, nothing more, nothing less.  Armed with a simple meter you will be able to clean up your own environment.  The average home takes about 20 filters.   You can purchase filters and a meters here.  I also send instructions on how to use and install the filters.  If there are questions on installation, feel free to contact me at

Lastly cleaning up your home environment by getting rid of big polluters like CFL (curly-q) light bulbs, treadmills and dimmer switches.  Instead of a treadmill, run outside—it is free.  Treadmills have VFD’s (variable frequency drives) which create a lot of dirty electricity.  VFD’s need harmonic filters and most treadmills do not come with them.  If you know how to create filters you could add it to your treadmill but an easier route would be to use something else.  A good substitute would be anything that is mechanical (ie doesn’t use a motor) like an elliptical, exercise bikes, many Nordic Tracks, and rowing machines.  You don’t want anything that can hook up with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

Never ever buy a CFL bulb and if you have them, replace them as soon as possible.  Incandescent bulbs or halogen are a suitable replacement.  LED are hit or miss.  Some are good some are not.  Having a Microsurge meter will tell you if the bulb is ok or not.  Simply plug it into a power strip and take note of the reading.  Turn on the light and if the reading is higher than when you started it is bad.  If the number returns to the initial reading then it is alright.   Simple as that.  Lastly replace your dimmer switches with just a standard switch.   Not only are the standard switches cheaper than dimmer switches, they created less power quality issues.



When was the last time that you had a dream?  When you went to sleep last night did you have a good night sleep? I am sure that almost everyone has heard of REM (rapid eye movement) when it comes to sleeping as well as the steps that are associated with it.  Not getting enough sleep, or more importantly, getting enough quality sleep, can lead to a list of ailments.  But the real question is–why are you not sleeping, or sleeping poorly?  One possible answer is your electromagnetic surroundings.

Melatonin is a hormone that is made from serotonin by the pineal gland that is located in the brain.  Melatonin helps regulate sleep patterns through control of your circadian cycle.  It is also associated with your ability to learn, fends off free radicals and other forms of aging, and other key immune-system functions, including your body’s ability to defend against cancer.   Melatonin levels in your body correlate with serotonin levels, which are related to human diet, metabolism, and even depression.  By 2000 there were already 15 different studies demonstrating that extremely low frequency, radio frequency, and microwave radiation suppress your body’s ability to produce melatonin1.  Melatonin is produced at night while you sleep.  Because of the dirty electricity and wireless pollution in or around your room, your body may interpret these signals as from the sun and thus does not function correctly at night because your body thinks that it is day.  Up until the last 150 years, all of the electromagnetic radiation that was experienced on Earth was natural in that it was created by the sun or was naturally present on Earth.  However, with more and more advancements comes more and more forms of electromagnetic pollution.  This can result in poor sleep, which in turn means that you will not recover as fast and could feel more tired.   In the end you don’t go through REM sleep, and thus you don’t dream.  Dreaming is good, dreaming, although they can be disturbing, is healthy and a sign to look for.  If you are not dreaming on a consistent basis, then it could mean something is wrong.  Being tired during the day is not normal.  Needing a 5-hour energy in the middle of the day all the time is not normal nor is taking naps all the time.  This is the way your body is telling you something is wrong.  Will you take the time to listen?

There are really two main sources of EMF’s that can cause the disturbances that can interfere with the production of melatonin. One is the dirty electricity found in the wires of your home which are also called high frequency voltage transients.  The high frequency is created by harmonics which are made by your electronics that you have in your home.  Depending on the area you live and the amount of electronics, this will determine the amount of harmonics that are coming from your wiring in your home.  There are two ways to deal with this.  One is to kill the power to the circuit at night.  Go to your circuit board and shut off the power to the room that you are sleeping in.  You could really turn off all of the items that are not needed, leaving only the essentials like furnace, fridge, or AC on.  The other solution is to install filters to reduce your exposure, both at night and during the day when your power is on.

Another source is wireless or smart tech that you may own or depending on your proximity to neighbors, their tech as well.  This would include but not limited to Wi-Fi (yours or your neighbors), your smart phones, Fitbits or other wireless devices you wear, cell towers or other broadcasting towers in your area, DECT phones, and smart meters.   Two ways to deal with these items is either by shutting of the offending device or with shielding.   If you need shielding, have it measured first before and after to make sure that the shielding material you bought is actually shielding you.   

If you do sleep poorly at night, or feel the need to take something in order to fall asleep, then I would suggest having your sleeping area looked at.  This way at the end of the day, when you lay down to sleep you may get restful sleep filled with dreams.


Blank, Martin (2014) Overpowered. New York, NY: Seven Stories Press. Pages 86-7